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Grilled Garlic Butter Toasts (for 6 people, 2 per person)


  • 1 baguette, cut in 12 slices on the diagonal (save the end pieces for something else–like making bread crumbs)
  • about 4 Tablespoons of butter, softened
  • 4 cloves of garlic, minced fine
  • a handful of parsley, chopped fine


  • a stove-top grill  (If you don’t have one, use a dry pan to brown the toasts.)

1. Mix the butter, garlic and parsley together and spread the mixture on both sides of the bread slices:

2. Heat a stove-top grill very hot and place the slices on it:

 3. As the butter sizzles, press down on the slices to grill-mark them.  They will brown quickly.  Turn the slices, press and mark again–they’re done in a couple of minutes:

© Elizabeth Laeuchli, the diplomatickitchen, 2011